Salem Lutheran Church
 Proclaiming Christ Since 1817

We're a family of believers focused on loving God and others through Christ who first loved us.
Sunday School 9:30am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am

Salem Kids

Salem Kids has resumed on Wednesday evenings with a meal at 6pm followed by class at 6:30pm for ages PreK-6th grade. Please join us for fun, games, songs, and Bible stories!

Adult Bible Study

Pastor Dan's Bible Studies meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Men's Breakfast

The men of Salem invite you to join them on January 18th at 7:30a.m. for breakfast, fellowship, and Bible study. For more information please speak with Jack Walker.

Men's Breakfast

Bible in 52

Please join us in reading the Bible in a year! For more information please see the announcements.

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